Here's a summary of the anime!
*Spoiler Alert!*
Amiboshi reveals himself as an imposter, one of the Seiryuu seven, and plays a spell on his flute to kill them all. Chiriko, the true last of the Suzaku seven shows up just in time to save them, and reveals the symbol on his foot. Amiboshi runs, and is followed by Tamahome and Miaka. When they catch up to him, Amiboshi slips and falls of the edge of a cliff towards a raging river. Miaka saves Amiboshi by catching his hand. Amiboshi is surprised, but seems touched by Miaka's caring. Amiboshi lets go of Miaka's hand and falls into the river.
Unable to summon Suzaku, by the usual means anymore, they are presented with another option by Taiisukun. Taiisukun gives each seishi stronger powers, and tells them they must first search out the Genbu Shinzaho in Hokkan. She also tells Miaka in private that she mustn't see Tamahome anymore because she must remain pure in order to summon Suzaku. This hurts her, but dutifully, Miaka breaks up with Tamahome (after he tells her he wants to live the rest of his life with her and proposes). Tamahome is heart broken, but finally confronts Miaka and finds out the reason. He accepts it and says they can be together after she fulfils her task. Hotohori gives Miaka his sword, and tells her to defend herself with it. Then, the warriors, except for Hotohori (who must stay and watch over the kingdom) set sail to the land of Hokkan to find the Genbu Shinzaho.
Miaka's brother, Keisuke is in the real world, reading the book and narrating the story. He does some research with a friend of his, and discovers that the person who brought the book over from China is dead, after killing his daughter, and worries about Miaka. Miaka and the others are on a ship, sailing for Hokkan in search of the Genbu shinzaho. Miaka accidentally burns a piece of her hair, and then discovers that she can converse with her brother, Keisuke, through the piece of hair (since some of her hair was on the book as well). Keisuke warns her of the danger, and tells her to get out of the book immediately. Not willing to leave Tamahome, Miaka refuses to leave and pulls out the strand of hair connecting the two of them. She has Tasuki burn it, severing the connection.
A lightning storm appears, and threatens the ship. Tasuki (who can't swim) is thrown into the sea, and Miaka goes in after him. Tamahome jumps into the water to help both of them. They are able to get Tasuki back onto the ship, but a wave carries Tamahome, Miaka, and Nuriko away from the boat. They find a cave and try to get onto the rocks before the lightning strikes. Nuriko and Miaka make it, but Tamahome is struck by lightning. Nuriko pulls him into the cave, and they build a fire to dry off with. Nuriko shares the story of his sister's death, while Tamahome recovers. They find they must get out of the cave when it is bombarded with lightning. The others in the ship eventually find their missing ship mates, but Soi, of the Seiryuu seven shows up to attack them. Soi was the source of the storms. She traps all of the warriors, leaving Miaka to defend herself. Miaka does an admirable job when she deflects a lightning attack back at Soi with Hotohori's sword. Soi retreats and they are again safe. When the Suzaku team reaches Hokkan, Tamahome saves a child from a rampaging horse. The grateful villagers offer them food and shelter.
The next day, They travel to the city, and decide to split up in search of the shinzaho. Tamahome, Nuriko, and Miaka are paired together, with the instruction to light a signal flare if they find it, and the others will join them. Tamahome follows a man in search of someone who can translate the ancient inscription telling of the location of the shinzaho. He finds it, but on the way back, he runs into Yui. Yui tells him he is just a character in a book and this troubles him.
Meanwhile, Miaka and Nuriko are attacked by Ashitare, another member of the Seiryuu seven. Nuriko manages to injure Ashitare with the signal flare and he retreats. Nuriko goes to retrieve the shinzaho by herself, while Tamahome and Miaka go in search of the rest of the group, since they no longer have a flare. At the door of the place where the shinzaho is located, Ashitare shows up and mortally wounds Nuriko. Before dying, Nuriko manages to kill Ashitare and move the huge rock blocking the cave entrance. The other seishi show up too late to save him. They mourn, but determined to complete their mission, enter the cave for the shinzaho.