... RULES ...
Well... it's just some things we want to remind you about...I'll just make things brief....
1. If you use anything from this site (or from our image galleries) for your own site… please… you have to link our site to yours… you don’t even have to put a link to us in every page in your site
2. Don't Direct Link! I do believe it wastes bandwidth that way...
3. If we, by accident, do not include the link to your site on our credits page, even if we used you as a resource, please tell us.
4. If you find any information on this site that is wrong, please tell us... We want to try and give you the most accurate information out there. Almost all teh information in this site came from the internet. We do place all out links to our resources in our link page.
5. Please do not spam us (since we've placed our email here for your suggestions and comments). It's rather annoying...
6. If you want to be an affiliate, you must first contact the webmistress of the site! You must state to her your name, your site, an if possible, the purpose of wanting to be affiliated. Then please link our site to yours by either word link or by heading ofver to our Link to Us page and picking out a button or banner for your use. Once all the conditions are met, we shall link you to our site as an affiliate.
Well, that's all the rules we have - keep them and we'll all get along just fine! lol!
-Anime Area Staff