Here's a summary of the anime!

*Spoiler Alert!*
The story begins when Miaka, and her best friend Yui visit the library, and are pulled into a book entitled The Universe of the Four Gods.
They are transported to ancient China, and meet Tamahome, when he saves them from some slave traders. Finding they have no payment for his services, Tamahome leaves. The girls are separated when one of them runs after Tamahome to request his help.Yui is transported back to the real world, leaving Miaka alone in the ancient land.
Miaka searches for Tamahome and Yui, and ends up in the Konan empire. She is nearly raped by some men in the street, but Tamahome shows up and saves her just in time. At first, Tamahome is unwilling to help Miaka without payment for his services, however Miaka's crying seems to move him.
Miaka sees the emperor of Konan's entourage as he travels through the city and runs up to ask him for one of the jewels from his crown (in order to pay Tamahome with).The soldiers attack her for insulting the emperor, but again, Tamahome saves her. They end up surrounded, but Miaka is enveloped by a red light, displaying the power of Suzaku.The emperor, Hotohori, is intrigued by this and has them taken to the palace dungeon.When Miaka and Tamahome escape, Miaka gets lost in the palace and meets the emperor, who has disguised himself as a regular person in order to find out about her. He talks kindly to her and she tells him that she is from another world.When the guards show up, chasing Tamahome, Hotohori reveals himself as the emperor.He orders that Miaka and Tamahome are not be harmed.
Hotohori makes Miaka the priestess of Suzaku, whose task is to find the seven celestial warriors of Suzaku, and to summon Suzaku in order to save the land of Konan. Miaka agrees in order to inherit the wishes to which she will be entitled and use them to return home. Tamahome is found to be one of the Suzaku seven, as is Hotohori, the emperor.
The third warrior, Nuriko, is found when she shows great physical strength in rescuing Miaka and Tamahome from their entrapment beneath the rubble of a building. Nuriko doesn't like Miaka at first, and treats her poorly. Eventually, Nuriko comes to like Miaka after she tries to help her with her love interest. The emperor is taken with Miaka and falls in love with her. He asks her to marry him after she summons Suzaku, and become his empress. Miaka is touched, however she realizes that she loves Tamahome.
Tamahome doesn't see his feelings for Miaka at first, and when Miaka blurts out that she loves him, he lets her down harshly. Heartbroken, Miaka passes out. Back at the palace, the emperor decides that Miaka must be returned home, because she has been in this world to long and it is making her weak. They set out on a mission to find Taiisukun, the controller of all the lands, in order to find a way to send Miaka back to her own world. On the journey, Tamahome apologizes to Miaka for what he said, and admits to her that that was the first time a girl had told him she loved him, and that he didn't know then finds out that Nuriko is a man, that just dresses and acts like a girl. Taiisukun then sends an evil mirror version of Miaka to trap Miaka and attack the three warriors as a test of loyalty and worthiness. Miaka realizes that she and the evil reflection are connected, and takes her own life in order to save the others. Tamahome and Hotohori spill their own blood in order to save Miaka.
Taiisukun transports Miaka, Tamahome, and Hotohori to Mt. Taikyoku where she lives and reveals herself to them. She then heals Miaka using both Tamahome and Hotohori's blood. Miaka is then told how she can go home. She travels home, but when she arrives, Yui isn't there. Miaka finds that Yui had been transported into the book in her place, and goes back into the book to find her.
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