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Other Characters

   Here are some of the other characters in the series that weren't mentioned yet! ^_^

Yuuki Keisuke

   Miaka's older brother, Keisuke really cares for his little sister. After Miaka goes back into the book for a second time, it's Keisuke who continues reading the story. His birthday is on January 3.

Kajiwara Tetsuya

   Tetsuya is Keisuke's best friend, they attend college together. Tetsuya becomes involve in the story when he runs into Keisuke at the library. Near the end of the series and in the OAVs, he develops a crush on Yui and becomes her boyfriend.

Tamahome's Father

   He's the father of Yuiren, Kishuku (Tamahome), Gyokuran and Shunkei. You see him in the series as an ill man, who can barely take care of his own children, which is why Tamahome is always out of the house earning money to support them. He was always supportive of his children in what they want to do with their lives and is proud of his eldest son and that he was fulfilling his destiny as the protector of the priestess of Suzaku. He was healed by Mitsukake while Miaka was searching for a shinzaho (Tamahome was captured at this time). He later thanks Tamahome for being a good son and that his responsibilties now lie with protecting the priestess before his family.

Sou Chuei

   Chuei is Tamahome's oldest little brother. While oniisan's away, Chuei is master of the household, taking care of his younger siblings and ailing father. Chuei is the splitting image of a younger Tamahome, and in times of anguish, Miaka has been known to mistake him for Tamahome, much to Chuei's embarrassment. Much like the rest of his family, Chuei was killed by an enraged Suboshi, who was taking revenge on the Suzaku seishi for his brother's death. Chuei, being master of the household, bravely tried to protect his younger siblings from the cruel attack by wielding a butcher knife, but Suboshi was too strong for him.

Sou Yuiren

   The youngest of Tamahome's siblings, and probably the most dear to his heart. Yurien's mother died during childbirth, therefore, it was left up to Tamahome to raise her. Yuiren is very caring and innocent... and cute. Yuiren calls Miaka "oneesan" (older sister) and makes little presents for her. Yuiren was killed with the rest of her family by Suboshi exacting revenge for his brother's death.

Sou Gyokuran

   Gyokuran is the third Sou child. She helps Chuei with the duties around the house whenever necessary and acts like a mother to the younger children, Yuiren and Shunkei. She isn't seen much during the series. Died along with the rest of the family, except Tamahome of course.

Sou Shunkei

   Shunkei is the fourth child of the Sou family. He is also the youngest boy in the family and seems to be in contempt whenever Tamahome is around, showing how dependent he is upon his eldest brother.

Emperor of Kutou

   This icky guy is the Emperor of Kutou, emperor for at least the last twenty-five years, he keeps Kutou under a military rule led by his Shogun, Nakago. the Emperor of Kotou was single-handedly responsible for the genocidal purging of Nakago's clan, the Hin, 14 years prior. It was during this purge that a *very* young (11 years old) Nakago's seishi powers surfaced upon lashing out at the soldiers raping his mother right in front of him. The force of the blast killed not only the soldiers, but his mother as well. Nakago was then summarily detained to be shown to the Emperor personally. Realizing that Nakago was a Seiryuu Seishi, the Emperor kept Nakago within the imperial grounds and took him in as a type of "play-thing." With this type of childhood, it is easy to see where Nakago's hate of the world developed. And thusly, the pedaphilic Emperor became numero uno on Nakago's shit list once he accumulated enough power to destroy the Emperor utterly.


   Kouji became the leader of the Mt. Reikaku bandits after Tasuki left with Miaka and the others.


   Shouka was Myojuan's girlfriend. Having fallen ill while Myojuan was away healing people in another town, Shouka died before he could return to care for her. This caused Myojuan to denounce the company of people, to give up being a doctor, and to become ultimately, a hermit. Apparently Shouka died because a demon had inhabited her body and after her death used her to create zombies of those she claimed to have cured. Myojuan, having been informed of Shouka's appearances by an ill Miaka and company, proceeded to confront Shouka and the demon within her, exorcising it and putting a finally at peace Shouka to rest. Near the end of the TV series, Mitsukake is injured but still healing people as best he can during the Kutou attack. The very last person he heals is a baby girl aptly named Shouka. She lives and Mitsukake, having expended the last of his chi, dies. When Mitsukake's spirit is found by Nyan Nyan, he is with a toddler. A girl with blond hair. Named Shouka. And, she can see him. The toddler is Shouka's reincarnation and her link to Mitsukake is still intact. At the end, when Tenkou is destroyed, the seishi are then able to be reincarnated. We see a sweet image of the little girl with a slightly younger little boy.


  Tama is Mitsukake's pet cat and sole companion before Miaka and the others show up. Tama is a male cat who loves to follow and play with Miaka and all of the Seishi. Tama has been known to mimic or imitate people within the show. Tama cares for and worries about each seishi choosing to stay with them at the end of the show.

Hahm Si-Fan

   Si-Fan is the adopted daughter of Byakko seishi Tokaki and Subaru. Apparently her real family died only a year earlier and since then she has been living with the Hahms. Si-Fan was told by her adopted father, to comfort and be friendly to (read: throw self at) Tamahome. Basically, with Tokaki having been a Byakko seishi and having watched Byakko no Miko and fellow seishi Tatara fall in love and have to separate, Tokaki was just trying to save Tamahome the pain of an impossible love. Being a good daughter Si-Fan of course did as he asked, and became "friendly" with Tamahome. Miaka, of course, could sense that something was going on and became very jealous. Coincidentally, Si-Fan looks remarkably like Miaka but with darker hair and good cooking. So, just when Tamahome seemed ready to permanently give up Miaka, Miaka ran headlong into danger (no, really?) causing him to chase her and realize how much he really loves her.


   Toki is the adopted grandson of Suzuno. As a monk, he takes care of Suzuno in her old age, never really believing her stories about a world inside a book where she was Byakko No Miko until Keisuke and Tetsuya arrive seeking answers. Also, later he becomes a good friend of Miaka.


   Taiitsukun is a very wise and old magic-user who helps Miaka on her quest. Since she is old, she knows all concerning the Universe of the Four Gods. The sensei of Chichiri, she also has vast power. Taiitsu-kun's helpers, called "Nyan Nyan" (literally Meow Meow), have a habit of taunting her, which often infuriates her such that she sends them into orbit. Unfortunately, like rabbits, they multiply! Her "Nyan Nyan" appear as magical, floating globes that materialize into cute, young girls.Taiitsukun is the creator of the Shi Jin Ten Chi Sho world and writer of the Shi Jin Ten Chi Sho book. Taiitsukun acts as benifactor to Miaka and her seishi and lives on the mystical Mt. Taikyoku (which looks like rocky cliffs to the unpure of heart). Also, most of Taiitsukun's magic centers around the use of mirrors…


   Nyan-Nyan are the little helpful girls that live on Mt. Taikyoku with Taiitsukun. The Nyan-Nyans can heal any injuries or other (perversions) problems. The Nyan-Nyan's bodies can also be used as recepticals for spirits of the dead. In the TV series, just about the only thing the Nyan Nyans say is "nyan nyan" or "heal heal, fix, fix." BTW, "nyan nyan" is the sound of a cat's "meow." Also, after some researching, it seems that Nyan Nyan is a minor Chinese goddess called Niang Niang in Chinese.

 § Main

 § Summary
 § Shi Jin Ten Chi Sho
 § Four Gods
 § Mikos
 § Seishis

 § OAV I
 § OAV Characters

 § Fushigi Yuugi Manga
 § Genbu Kaiden
 § Fushigi Yuugi Gaidens

 § Places of Importance
 § Other Characters
 § Voice Actors
 § Author

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