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Seiryuu Seishis

   The Seiryuu Seishi are 7 (star, or 'celestial') warriors named after the seven constellations of the eastern sky. Altogether, they are ruled by the God Seiryuu. Each Seishi has a different symbol on his or her body.

   In order they are (from the left to right - chinese/japanese counterpart-"meaning" (Seishi Name):Shin - "Heart" (Nakago), Ko - "High Spirits" (Amiboshi), Kaku - "Angle" (Suboshi) , Bo - "Chest" (Soi), Bi - "Tail" (Ashitare), "Root" (Tomo), "Basket" (Miboshi).

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| Genbu | Suzaku | Byakko |



   Nakago (Ayurhu) is the offspring of a Kutou shogun and the daughter of a leader of a tribe called the Hin. The Hin were a minority tribal group to the west of Kutou. When he was a child, the emperor of Kutou ordered the destruction of his tribe. Nakago is the only survivor. He was brought to the palace after his family and friends were wiped out before his eyes and made to give sexual favors to the emperor.

   Eventually Nakago became the most powerful shogun in Kutou, holding 2/3 of the country's military power. He was the one who gathered all the other Seiryuu seishi to the Kutou palace, rescuing most of them from various horrible predicatments that left them forever in his debt. Nakago recognized this and used it to his utmost advantage, becoming the leader of the Seiryuu seishi. Nakago sleeps with Seiryuu seishi Soi because her sexual power, known as "bochuu magic," is able to rejuvenate chi levels. He claims he does not love her, but when she is killed in his defense he carries her body around for days, giving some lie to the claim. Seiryuu seishi Tomo is in love with Nakago; however, Nakago views Tomo only as another object to be used and then thrown away.

   Nakago is the one who rescues Hongou Yui from the street toughs who set upon her to rape her when she arrives in Kutou. He lies to Yui and manipulates her to the point where she agrees to become Seiryuu no Miko to right the wrongs which she believes were done to her. In fact, Yui is the last part of a grand scheme which Nakago has put together to take over Kutou and the world, and her arrival signals time for his plan to be put into action. Nakago is killed by Tamahome. During his death scene, pieces of his childhood flash by, and his actions are finally explained. Nakago still dies as a villain, but as a villain who is finally portrayed as being also human. His star pattern is the Scorpius and his symbol is located on his forehead. His Birthday is on November 17.

   Nakago is a skilled fighter in all sorts of weapons, including swords and whips. While he has been known to use these as a general in the Kutou army, Nakago fights best bare-handed, where he relies on his Seiryu powers to fight. Having been aware of his powers since a very young age, Nakago has mastered his abilities and has become a very fearsome opponent, using life force blasts that annihilate most enemies, manipulation of objects and energy barriers for defense. Even by himself, he is more than a match for just about anyone in the Suzaku Seven.



   Amiboshi or Bu Kotouku, the good twin, is at first an enemy of Miaka and the Seishi of Suzaku, but finds that they are not the enemy. He plays beautiful music as well as mind-raping music on his metal flute. He despises war as it was war that took his parents away from both him and his brother. His Star Pattern is Virgo and his symbol is located on his right shoulder. His birthday is on August 26.

   Amiboshi's flute playing is twofold, making it a suitable item for both attack and defense. On the attack, the flute can be played to manipulate a person's body (under certain conditions) or objects. Defensively, the flute's tune can provide a shield to block attacks and even counterattack if necessary. This makes Amiboshi and his flute a skilled opponent and not to be taken lightly.



   Suboshi or Bu Shunkaku, the evil twin, finds only anger and hatred towards Miaka and her Seven Seishi of Suzaku. He loves his older brother Amiboshi very much, but finds he loves Yui more. Yui never really knows of Suboshi's love for her until it is too late. He was born on the 26th of August. His star pattern is Virgo and his symbol is found on his right arm.

   Suboshi's psychokinetic powers are used mostly to control his Ryuseisui, balls with blades attached to them that spin whenever he concentrates on them. Suboshi has the ability to control these "Meteor Bells" to use attacks that employ the string attached to them to circle and enemy, cutting them to pieces with the blades. He can also use the weapon as a projectile, freeing it from its string to pursue and eliminate its target.



   The only female Seiryuu seishi, Soi, also known as Haku Kaen, was found by Nakago at a brothel. Her poverty-stricken family had apparently sold her at a young age to make some money. It is not known if Soi had performed any sexual favors for any of the patrons of the brothel. Nakago rescued Soi from the brothel and brought her to the Kutou palace to instead perform sexual favors for him after discovering her seishi power. Her Bochuu magic used sexual intercourse to raise her partner's chi, and Nakago used this to his full advantage. Soi became his lover as well as his personal bodyguard against enemies and sometimes against his fellow seishi. Insecure and frightened, Soi clung to Nakago and eventually fell in love with him, a natural gravitation towards the man who had protected her and rescued her. It might have also been that she was infatuated with him because she had no one else who she could remotely love. Whatever the case, Nakago manipulated Soi using her love for him, knowing she would do whatever he asked of her. In the end, Soi is killed saving Nakago from the Suzaku seishi. Selfless to a fault, she dies in the arms of the man whom she loved. Her Star Pattern is Scorpius and her symbol is located on her left thigh. She was born on October 30.

   Soi's ability to control the weather by summoning storms and lightning is formidable indeed, as with any power that has control over the elements. Soi's power enables her to use lightning either from her hands as an energy blast or from the sky in a large bolt that strikes and electrocutes the enemy. This is especially deadly in open spaces.



   Ashitare, also known as Ootomo Ryuuzaburou, was supposedly born in Hokkan. He was found by a traveling entertainment/circus show, which made him into a sideshow object of ridicule. Basically, Ashitare was the main attraction in the circus' freak show. It is not known how long he was property of the circus, but he was later found by Nakago and set free.

   Ashitare is the brawn of the Seishi of Seiryuu, a dumb, tough werewolf. Ashitare is ridiculed by Nakago because the only thing he knows how to do is kill. He is the one left with the dirty work since he has no remorse. His Star Pattern is Scorpius and his symbol is found on his right hip.

   As a half-animal, Ashitare's natural strength is already quite enhanced, and his physical build and bestial agility make him a dangerous opponent. While he possesses no weapons, he does have sharp claws which can pierce and rip even the strongest of enemies. His ability to morph into a wolf is also a good backup for his human form's strength.



   Tomo's (Ruo Chiun’s) past, like that of all the Seiryuu seishi, is mostly a mystery. He was abandoned and left to die as a small child, most likely by relatives who did not want him. He was found by a troupe of traveling actors/dancers and raised in their camp, becoming a performer of Chinese Opera. His upbringing was probably an unhappy one. Again, there are few resources on Tomo's past, but he was probably abused mentally, physically, and/or sexually during his childhood and adolescant years. Tomo, the evil painted-face mage, uses his powers to aid Nakago in destroying the Seishi of Suzaku as well as Miaka herself. His wish is Nakago's wish as he cackles at others' misfortune. Tomo is always dressed regally with a magnificent head piece. Tomo is not so much evil as he is amoral. He works outside the boundaries imposed on others, wielding his illusions with frightening ease and almost carelessness. Unlike Soi or Amiboshi, he does not care what happens to his teammates, as long as he takes care of what is on his own agenda. He is as action-oriented as Suboshi, but he is cunning. There is no denying that he is one of the most powerful Seiryuu seishi, perhaps almost equaling, or surpassing, Nakago's power. His flaws, like Nakago's, are overconfidence, selfishness, and hate. He is far too confident in his own abilities. Though he works with others when necessary, he never treats them as any more than tools to acheive his own ends. As a follower, Tomo is at best devious and flighty, looking out for what will make him happy. If he were not so obsessed with Nakago, there would be many reasons to doubt his loyalty to the Seiryuu seishi and Kutou. He was born on October 13. His Star Pattern is Libra and his symbol is found on his right abdomen.

   Tomo relies mostly on his ability to confuse enemies using Shin, his clam shell that he employs in order to create illusions. These fake images are so real-looking that a person caught in them can think that they are in one environment when they are in another entirely. Tomo also has limited fighting ability through his headdress, which includes extendable bladed feathers.



   Miboshi, an evil magic-using monk, uses his powers to manipulate others as well as help Nakago at obtaining the power of Seiryuu. Not much is known about Miboshi, but he must be really old considering the power he possesses. His birthday is on the 4th of December. His Star pattern is Sagittarius and the location of his symbol is unknown.

   The diminuative Miboshi has practically no melee fighting ability whatsoever. But he makes up for this with his rather powerful black magic, channeled through his spinning scepter. With it, he summons monsters and demons to his aid to fight battles against opponents, ranging from small creatures to large behemoths.

 § Main

 § Summary
 § Shi Jin Ten Chi Sho
 § Four Gods
 § Mikos
 § Seishis

 § OAV I
 § OAV Characters

 § Fushigi Yuugi Manga
 § Genbu Kaiden
 § Fushigi Yuugi Gaidens

 § Places of Importance
 § Other Characters
 § Voice Actors
 § Author

| Otaku Paradise - Fushigi Yuugi© 2005 - 2007 Misumi Kanegawa | Layout Designed by Aethereality |