+ Hana Yori Dango
...Past AOMs...
+ D.N Angel
+ Fushigi Yuugi
+ Gravitation
+ Mp3s
+ Avatars
+ Photos
...Sister Sites...
+ Teikoku Gakuen
...Layout Credits...
Endless Night Designs

This site was originally the Anime Area site. But since the name was already taken in Tripod, we've temporarily changed the site's name to Otaku-Paradise! This site is dedicated to inform countless Anime fans all around the world about the wonderful animes we have today. It is our goal to give you detailed accounts of Anime series for your own curiousity and enjoyment.
We're also continuing to fix this new site (and it's quite hard too since we're no computer experts, so I apologize for any inconvinience this site might've caused you. If it ever hangs, the most useful option I could give you is to refresh it! ^_^"
Before bookmarking our site or taking information out of our site, please refer to our RULES page. Don't forget to SIGN our guestbook too!
And if you wish, join our Anime Area group!
We need dedicated anime fans who are willing to take some time and help us know more about our Anime of the Months (AOMs). We need team players who are dedicated enough to research on the many animes we are going to put up in this site in the future. If you would like to apply for this job, email us! We would greatly appreciate your help! ^_^
March 9, 2007
  AH... It's finally March Break for me... Now I'll have time to update this site... ^_^
  Right now, I just added some links into the Drama Pages of the Hana Yori Dango AOM, but that's all I could do in an hour or so... gomen!
  Also, I have updated the affiliate links... 'Cause Mahvish-san made a new site... Which reminds me, I have to make her banner too... O.o...
  Anyway, I changed the link to the Otaku Paradise music... so please check it out! OTAKU PARADISE MUSIC! I shall place this link as well on all the main pages of the AOMs plus this home page for now... then we'll see what happens... ^_^
February 2, 2007
  Wow... I haven't been able to update the site such a looooooong time... =_=' gomen! I've been sooo busy with school work that I couldn't make some time to update anything...
  But luckily, exams are over for me and I had a few days off... so I decided to work on the Hana Yori Dango Layout myself... and after 4 crazy days, I managed to fix a proper layout... unfortunately, I haven't placed the information in yet... -__-' GOMEN! I will as soon as I can... so please be patient with me!
  Also, something to think about... I decided to add a link to some mp3s I'm uploading... I will just put the link here for now since I haven't uploaded every song I wanted to upload yet so... yeah... -__-' Enjoy it anyway... ^_^ OTAKU PARADISE MUSIC!
October 6,2006
Ah... Barely have time to go on the Internet these days... -_-'. Anyway, another update... more sad new... We'll be delaying the AOM for... um... I can't say it's for september 2006 now, can I...? T_T - Well, the next AOM will be delayed yet again due to the research that was lost from my PC (can't find it anywhere), and because we don't have a layout for the next AOM. Currently, I'm working on a very simple HYD layout for the next AOM, but that's about it... As regards to the info... I have to ask my teammates for their informations again... -_-' I'm terribly sorry for everyone waiting for the HYD to come out. Please bear with us.
Regarding the site, I have taken out the Multimedia section because it'll take a long time before we could actually put up a multimedia site up, so I decided to take it down for now. And, I'm finally putting in the rest of the What is AOM? link, well, most of it...so yeah...
And, If we actually come to terms with our joint-project currently in the works with Still Innocent, we will be placing a manga section into the site as well... And yeah, that's about all the updates I can give... ^_^
September 18,2006
So busy these days... can't even do a lot of updates! T_T - Anyway, we placed a page on what AOM is so that those new people in the site could know what we're talking about! I haven't placed the link to this in every page yet - just the main page, so please bear with me... -_-;
August 31,2006
Ah... it's been a while since I got back here... lol! Anyway, WE're still working on the Hana Yori Dango AOM - and we still can't seem to contact some of our members... so it might delay our release even more... T_T. But I did make the Affiliates page today, plus I've updated both the Rules page adn the EXTRA page. I'm also currently looking for a Hana Yori Dango layout for this coming AOM... if anyone knows where to find one, please contact me ASAP! I shall credit you then for you help! ^_^
August 18,2006
HOOORAY!!!! the Gravitation AOM is COMPLETE! ^_^
Now I'm putting in the links to these 3 AOMs into the site! ^_^
As for the AOM for Hana Yori Dango, it's still not done... we're expecting it up before the end of September... And we found a new person to help us with the AOMs... RK_Ambereyes! Welcome! ^_^
August 17,2006
YIPPPEEE!!! I hav enow completed the AOM for Fushigi Yuugi!!! Now starting on Gravitation... ^_^ I'll finally get to add the links to these AOMs once Gravitation is done! ^_^ So please wait patiently!!!
August 15,2006
WHEEEE!!! I've just finished transfering all our info on DN Angel into the new site!!! SUCCESS!!! After how many hours of work... -_-' But anyway, I'll add the links to the new AOMs as soon as the AOMs for Fushigi Yuugi and Gravitation are done... so please bear with me! ~_~ Gomen! But anyway, I've fixed the counters in the site and I've added more links! I just love links! lol! Anyway, back to work! ^_^
August 14,2006
Well, I've fixed the layouts for all the AOMs (except for the upcoming Hana Yori Dango one... -__-'). But anyway, added more links... especially in the manga scanlation/translation/hosting section! lol! And I fixed some of the links in the link sections too! (They were all supposed to open in a separate window, but alas, I typed the html wrong (in every link! =_=' But I finished it! ^_^). Also fixed something from the AOM Credits section... I forgot to give credit to those who did all the research! GOMEN!!! TT_TT
August 3, 2006
Added more links in - especially in the Graphics Section - and currently finding layouts for the AOMs - ^_^
August 1, 2006
Time flies by so fast... -_-' Anyway, the Extra page was added in - so if anyone wants to play the caption game - feel free to play it... More avatars are being added into the avatar gallery...Also, the Links page is DONE - but this is one of the pages that will be constantly updated... ^_^
July 29, 2006
OMG - I did so much today... -_-'... Anyway...Added a few things... the AOM Credits page, Link to Us page and the Sister site. Added the Eichi clock c/o Arina Tanemura World and the under construction images to most of the unfinished pages. Took out the Graphics Section but linked the the Avatars & Photos Page from the Galleries Section to their respective photobucket accounts... but I only activated the Avatars account for public viewing. Also, half of the Links Page is done.
July 24, 2006
Added the Rules and About us page.
May 8, 2006
Started fixing the site up a bit... fixed some of the navigations... that's about it...